Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday the 25th

Luke 11: 34Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are good, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are bad, your body also is full of darkness.


What are you looking at? We take in a lot from our senses of touch, taste, and hearing, but the main way we process is through what we see….or more importantly how we process what we see. So I ask again, what are you looking at? I can say without a doubt the one thing we all could use work on is our spiritual eyesight. What are we letting in? When we see the bum on the corner, is he a worthless bum, or a person who has lost their way, the young man with his pants sagging down, and bandanna around his head, is he a thug, or a soul crying out for family, acceptance, and salvation? The person in the mirror, are they the best that they can be, so there is no need to work on anything, or are they much like the bum, and the thug, and searching for the best they can be, and working on it daily? What are you looking at? This passage states that when our eyes are good our whole body is full of light, but what light, where do we get it? The light that we search for is the light of the world. The light of life that is Jesus Christ, the light that cannot be overtaken by darkness. So we if we are to be full of that light, then we must set our gaze on Christ. Christ sees no bums, thugs, or perfect people, He sees brothers, and sisters one and all, the first no better than the last. Christ never has and never will focus on the negative, He knows that all things are possible, Christ does not look to tear down, but looks for way to build up. If we are to be a continuation of that light we must work to see things as Christ sees them, so that we might carry out His work, in His light. I know, I know…..the world does not like the light, the world knows it is easier to tear down, it is easier to point out the negative, and it is easier to hide in the shadows. The shadows will not last in the presence of the light. nothing is hidden from the sight of God, all things are laid bare before the One that we must all give account. Choose to live in the light, set your eyes on the cross of Christ, and choose to see world as He does, Love, Compassion, Faith….these are the things that should taint our sight. Let us see the good, and disregard the negative. Let us cultivate the love, and leave the hatred on the shelf. Let us all see the world through the lamp light of Christ, so that our eyes are always clear and burning brightly.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford

The New Covenant Church






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