Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday the 21st

Colossians: 2:  9For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, 10and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.


You know…..who leads you has a lot to do with your attitude. It has a lot to do with how you approach the day, and how you interact with others. Think of how many people that you talk to who can’t stand their boss, oh you hear it time and time again….”man, I can’t believe I have to work for that guy” or “who does he think he is”…..Or “I could do such a better job, if he was not holding me back” You know what all of those have in common? They are words spoken by people who are defeated. They are words spoken by people who look to a person who has authority over a very small, very limited part of their world, as if that person controls everything…..I guess in some ways they do control everything, because we give them that permission. As a result, we start our day off negative, and we carry that through the day. Even the weekend holds little comfort, for you know Monday is right around the corner. My thought on the matter? Quit messing around with lower management! There is but one who has head of every power and authority. There is only one who we have to answer to. You might have someone in your life who thinks they are the second coming, but I promise you the one that counts is the one who was first to come, and will be the last to come! We must make it a point to live our lives in joyful celebration. Our fullness is in Christ. He is the one who we will answer to. It is Christ who is the head of our lives here on earth. It is Christ we are working for. I know….how does that change your work week? You still have a difficult boss, sibling, spouse…….I say take them to God. Ask the Lord to handle those problems for you. Get that off your plate so you can get the tasks done that your true boss, your eternal boss has in store for you. If you will let Him, the Lord will work in your life, He will get you through the rough parts, He will change the hearts of those around you. Don’t believe me? I can think of a couple of Pharos that would back me up on that. Start your day looking at the to do list of the big boss. The one who we all will ultimately answer to. Do not allow a limited person to have unlimited control over your life. Let the Lord lead the way, let Him direct your steps, and turn your problems over to Him. Depend on the One who has power over everything to control those that seek to have power over you.  



God Bless,

Brian Thetford

The New Covenant Church





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