Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday the 3rd

1 Corinthians 10: 12So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!


I was asked this weekend if I knew I was going to heaven. My answer was, today….yes. If we go today, I am going. Of course the next  question was what do you mean? Something might happen that would change that? Yes, something could happen that would change that. Am I saying that God will withdraw His  love? Never, nothing can separate us from God’s love….but we can choose not to accept it. We can become so sure of ourselves that we forget who we are and where we come from. I think of the Sanhedrin, and Pharisees, all of the “holy Men” of Christ’s day. Were they not sure of themselves? They had become so involved in their religion, they lost their faith. That is my fear, and that is why I will always answer that question the same….today yes….you see today I know that I am nothing without Christ. Today I know I am a recovering sinner. Today I remember just how lost I was, and how sinful my life was. Everyday is a struggle. The sin addiction is a tough one indeed, and much like a drug addict the battle is fought one day at a time. This warning was not for the people new to the faith. No it was for those that knew the word, had heard the truth spoken, and were living the new life with Christ. This warning still applies today. It is easy to become so sure of yourself that you become what you despised. The gossip, the people who are more than happy to condemn you while forgetting about themselves….these are the modern day Pharisees. These are people who have fallen, and do not even realize it.  Yes we can all fall, we can all transgress, but let us be aware, let us be present, let us never allow ourselves to become so sure of ourselves that we don’t realize the ground is no longer under us. So yes, today I am good, but tomorrow the sun will rise again, and the struggle will resume. Stand firm, don’t fall.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford

The New Covenant Church





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