Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday the 20th

James 4: 17Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.


It has been said, and I have to agree, that “the greatest evil known to man, is the indifference of good men”.  Apathy is the one thing that we must work to overcome in our lives, but it is also something that the world fosters. If we spend less time looking to help those around us, then we have more time to focus on what is important….us, our lives, what we have, where we are going……sound familiar? How often during the day do we hear the words whatever, or  it is none of my business, or there is nothing I can do, or no one will listen to me…….While it is true that there are things….many things, that are beyond our control, there are just as many right in front of us that we would rather overlook. The friend in need, the person struggling with their life, the outcast, the beggar, the children that have been emotionally abandoned by their parents, the brother in crisis, or those deemed unlovable that in fact do need love the most.  All too often we look at these situations and think “well someone else will take care of that, they must have family”, or “they will be ok”, yet we can’t say how, or my favorite…”they deserve it”. These are times that scream for us to get involved. It is so easy to walk on by, or act as if we do not notice, but I can’t help but think….what is Christ did that to us? What is He was indifferent to our suffering. What if when we fell or stumbled, the Lord looked the other way and said ohhhh they will be fine…..would that not break your heart…..would that not break your faith? That is not the God we serve, and as a result that is not the expectation that we are trying to live up to! You are someone’s angel today. There is someone in your life that needs your help, needs your guidance, and needs to see your faith in action. It might be something as simple as a hug, or as involved as clearing off half your day, but you are needed. The Lord needs you so that His work might be complete for the day. Think of the times that someone has shown up at the right time in your life. Have you ever found yourself saying “wow, that was just what I needed” That my friends is a perfect example of the Lord using us to bring His Joy to others. This is why the passage reads that to not do good when we know it needs to be done is a sin. We fall short, and miss the mark when we fail to do the good, joyful work that the Lord has put in front of us. You are someone’s miracle today, you are someone’s hope, their life raft, or maybe even their deliverance from the hell of the day. The Lord needs everyone of us, so that His life, His love and His joy, might be experienced, and glorified by all. Don’t walk by today, don’t turn your head, choose to get involved. Christ never left a person in need, may the same be said for each of us.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford

The New Covenant Church





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