Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday the 11th

Proverbs 11: 24 One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. 25 A generous man will prosper;  he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.


We were standing in line waiting to rent a movie. My daughter had just won a stuffed animal out of one of those claw games where you have to snare the animal and rescue it form a sea of stuffed animals. In front of us was a little girl and her mother, there we all stood patiently waiting in line minding our own business. For no apparent reason my daughter holds out the stuffed animal and ask the little girl “ do you want it, here you can have it, I don’t need it.” Well, as you can imagine all the adults just kind of looked at each other, but right then and there my daughter taught those around us more about being a Christian than I could teach in a month of Sundays. There was no “reason” to give. There was no proclamation heralded that we should at this time freely give……it was just two kids, one seeing something that they wished they had, and the other who realized that the child would be happier than she was to have the stuffed animal……What a lesson! How much do we have that we do not really need? How much time have we selfishly held on to in front of the TV or computer? How much kindness have we withheld as if we have a limited supply that might no be replenished? How much money have we blown, that could have fed someone in need? See….the kids get it (at least more than we often do) You can’t get more, if you have no room to fit it into your life. The only logical thing to do is get rid of some stuff! Have you noticed that the tighter you hold onto something the less attractive it is? The possessions will eventually become a burden because you end up spending so much energy maintaining what you have. Try something liberating today, give something that you have (especially if it is owned in excess) away. Give up that extra 5 min to help someone out, show kindness to someone who you normally would overlook, give some extra money to someone who needs it. Do these things and see if more does not flow into your life. Is this not how our heavenly Father treats you? Do you only get blessings in your life when you deserve them? Of course not! A lot of times you are standing in line minding your own business. Make room in your life for all that the Lord has to give you. You might just find that handing the blessings out is far more enjoyable that when you get them yourself!



God Bless,

Brian Thetford

The New Covenant Church






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