Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday the 24th

Psalm 118:  6 The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? 7 The LORD is with me; he is my helper. I will look in triumph on my enemies. 

It is hard to find a partner in life. It is difficult to find an assistant, someone who knows what you need before you need it. Someone who knows you well enough to save you from yourself. It is rare to find someone in this life who not only meets those qualities, but to find someone who does all of that and will make you triumphant…..well that is impossible. Yet we spend a lot of time looking for that person. Be it in our business life, in our personal life, emotionally, and spiritually, we seek out someone who we can count on. Time and time again we think we have found that perfect assistant, only to be let down once again. The problem is that no matter how good you are, another person can only be as good, or maybe a little better than you are. Oh they might excel in one area, but you will have to pick up the slack in another. While that is indicative of a great relationship, it will still leave something to be desired when it comes down to looking for someone to fill the void in your life. In our search for the perfect person (and we know that there is no such perfect human out there) we should give the opportunity to the One who applied for the job before we were born! By allowing God to be your helper, you have the opportunity to see perfection in your life, not by your hand, but by the hand of God. When the Lord is at your side you have no reason to fear, He will save you from yourself, He will show you the best path, and He will protect you from those that would plan against you. If you want to place your trust in someone, if you are looking for someone who can help you defeat your enemies, then turn to the One who defeated death. If we take that step, if we fill that space in our life with the only applicant who is truly qualified, then we too might shout The Lord is with me! What can man do to me? He is my helper, I will be triumphant!



God Bless,

Brian Thetford

The New Covenant Church





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