Monday, December 3, 2012

tis the season

1Th 3:12-13  and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you, 13  so that he may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints.


We all want our hearts to be found blameless in holiness before the Father, do we not? SO how do we go about doing that?  Do we run around and point out everyone’s flaws? Do we tell everyone we meet how much of a sinner they are, and condemn them to hell? Maybe we can be found blameless of we make it a point every day to remind each other how much of a failure we are when it comes to being a Christian…. While I am sure we can all think of people who are convinced that one, if not all of these are the correct answer, and if we are honest with ourselves, maybe we even think a point or two might be correct, we would all benefit from reading the verse again. Paul is praying that the Lord increases and abound in love. Love for one another, and for all.


Interesting, so that answer seems to be that we start from a point of love. When I think of Christ, I am reminded just how loving we are called to be. I cannot think of one time where someone in need, someone that we hurting, someone that was lost, came to Christ, and Christ turned them away. I can’t think of one time where he condemned them, and told them that there was no hope for them. No Christ showed me a picture of what it meant to change someone’s life by loving them. Loving them when the world would have us believe, no one else would, could, or really should love that person. Christ did not admonish, scold, or beat down those in need, He opened His arms, and loved the sin out of them. Just as He did, and continues to do for me (I need all of that I can get), and he does for you. The harsh stuff, if you go back and read, was saved for the people who spoke of love and forgiveness, yet practiced the opposite, it was saved for the hypocrite, the self-righteous, and those who would try and use religion as a means to an end. This is how we are called to live, love the lost, forgive the repentant, and live for the Lord.


The Christmas season is kicking off, and for some it is in full swing already. Paul’s prayer for the Thessalonians, is my prayer for each of you. May the Lord fill your hearts with love for one another, and for everyone. I pray that this holiday season if a start of a new season for you. I pray that we can see that the way to the hearts of those around us is through loving them…..loving them at the very moment that they might think they deserve it the least. That my friends is loving with grace. That is the love that is given to us from God. That is the love that this season is all about, it is my prayer that that type of love overflows from all of us this season, so that we might brightly shine the light of the Lord onto this dark world, and drowned out the shadows in our lives, and the lives of those around us, so that we might all be found blameless in holiness before God. Remember, love covers a multitude of sins.


God Bless,

Brian  Thetford


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wanna bet?

John 18:33-34 So Pilate entered his headquarters again and called Jesus and said to him, "Are you the King of the Jews?" 34  Jesus answered, "Do you say this of your own accord, or did others say it to you about me?"



I read this scripture this morning, and something struck me, that I had not thought of before. Christ was not just asking Pilate if he thought Jesus was a king, or if Pilate had just heard about Him. No, Christ was asking Pilate “have you been saved?” It might be easy to miss, just as it is today. You see Christ was asking Pilate are you calling me King, or do you just say that because that is what everyone else says? Pilate… you believe, or are you just saying what is easy to say? I would imagine that is a question we will all be asked at some point, and I am fairly sure Christ will be asking. It makes me think of our lives, how we live them, what we do, what we say. DO we proclaim Christ is King because we believe it, or because that is the easy thing to do?


In today’s world there are many that might call Christ King, but just as Christ suspected of Pilate, they only profess what they have heard. In short, they are living out Pascal’s wager. For those of you that are not familiar, Pascal was a 17th century philosopher and mathematician.  One of the things he is known for was the argument that even if you do not believe in God, you should live as if you do, because the cost of living a life without belief  is worse than a life lived as if you do believe. In other words, take a gamble, and take the side with the better payout. This is exactly what we do when we say we believe in Christ, yet knowingly and willingly live a life contradictory to that.  


It is an interesting idea though isn’t it? Want the salvation, the grace, the forgiveness, and the love that comes with Christ? Fake it. Just say the words, and all is good. Do your good deeds, give your money, go to church, and life here and in the next will be great. SO if you say it, and you act like it in your deeds, then what is the difference? How will you know, how will the Lord know, how will anyone else ever figure it out? It comes down to defining moments. One very much like Pilate is about to come to in this passage. If Pilate believed Christ was King, would he have washed his hands? Or would he have stood with Christ and proclaimed to the masses, we cannot kill this man He is the Son of God. We encounter moments like this all of the time, it is where the rubber meets the road, where life happens, when it is time to put up or shut up. However you would like to term it, we find ourselves in situations where we too much choose to show grace, love, mercy, forgiveness….what will we do? How will we respond? Will our lives emulate the life of our Savior? Will we show the world the power of Christ by showing His traits through us? Or will we cave? Will we crumble under the pressure of the world and turn our backs?


Maybe that is where you find yourself today. Perhaps you do want to live that life, but you know that you have in the past turned your back. You know that you have professed to be a Christian, but lived a life that is anything but. Here is the good news! It is not too late to change that. Even Peter denied Christ, yet Christ never denied Him. We make these choices every day, and you need to understand that even when we fall short, there is still the next decision to make. Another opportunity, another chance. The promises of God do not have an expiration date. There is not a number of times we can fall, there is not a limit on the number of times we can fail. The salvation is found in the rising. We will stumble, we will fall, what counts is that we get back up. Do not lay on the ground with the rest of the world defeated, simply raising your hand next time  someone is looking for a Christ follower. Christ fell three times on the way to that wicked hill. Each time He rose, ready to carry out His task well beyond the limits of His human body. So it is with us, do not resign yourself to live out life as a “safe bet”. Live your life out loud. Live your life looking for those moment to test yourself, and show your Faith. You might stumble, but the world will know you believe, it will know where you stand, and it will know, that in the end, there is but One King!



God Bless,

Brian  Thetford


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Trust in Peace

John 14:27  Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.


Peace I leave, my peace I give.. Peace….peace like none we have known, and none that we can bestow or receive from another human. It is not the weak peace offering that we offer to each other. As if any of us can truly grant peace to another individual. The peace we offer is one that is only temporary at best. It might keep one issue at bay, or quell one fear or the other, but I have yet to meet the man, woman, or child that can give all-encompassing life sustaining peace. Look how Christ conveyed this offering. HE left it, and He offered it. It is here, it is yours for the taking, yet Christ leaves it very open, even to those who are closest to Him. Here it is, take it if you will. That my friends is true peace, a promise that is freely given, and yours to freely take. No strings, no gimmicks, no fine print. If you would like peace, then simply take it.


Christ furthers his point by saying not as the world gives, yes When Christ gives anything it is on a much larger scale that anything the world can give, but not just that. When the world gives, the world decides how long you get to keep it. With Christ, the choice to take it is yours, the choice to keep it is yours as well. The Lord does not give as the world gives. So do not be troubled, and do not be afraid. There is always a hard part isn’t there?  You see now we are tasked with the hardest part, trust Him. That is hard to do sometimes isn’t it? If we are honest it is hard to do a lot of the times. We have been taught to NOT trust, or as I like to think of it “trust, but verify” which is a really nice way of saying “I don’t trust you” Yet here is Christ telling us….you need it? I have it. You can have it, here I give it to you….now trust me. While it seems too good to be true…….it is true, if it seems like the deal of a lifetime…..well….it is.


The peace is yours to take, and it is yours to wrap yourself in, yet without the trust, it will not do much good. So what do we do? We trust, we take that leap, we make that choice. Let me ask you something, we have all done something in our lives at least once where we had to depend on someone else, right? What was that for you?  I am not talking about something little, I mean we trusted someone with something so big, that our lives would have been changed had that person not come through for us….and they did. They came through just like they said they would. Remember how that feels? Have you trusted Christ with anything near as important as that? Better yet, had you trusted that friend in your moment of need, then at the last second rushed in, and tried to do it yourself, or handle the situation on your own, how would that have turned out? not well, right? You would not have been where you needed to be, because you did not trust your friend to be where they were supposed to be. As a result the outcome would have been very different. What is keeping you from trusting Christ? How is it we are willing to trust another human, who even on their best day might cave and not follow through, yet we deny Christ the opportunity to do what he has PROMISED He will do for us?


It comes down to putting yourself out there, extending the trust to Christ that He will be where He needs to be, when He needs to be there. He has made the promise, will you allow Him to keep it? He has given the gift, will you accept it? Give Him your trust, and see if your life does not change for the better, just as promised. Tell Him just as you did that friend, I need you. I can’t do this without you. You said you would be there, you said I should not be afraid, you promised me peace. Without you in this, I am done for. Christ will be there, He will give you the peace, the assurance, the strength, and the power to do what needs to be done, and then He will take care of the rest of it. Give Him the opportunity, give Him the chance, He died for it you know….just for the chance to save your life, if you thought that deal you trusted your friend with was life changing, I can promise you it pales in comparison to what changes will take place if you trust in Christ.  Do not live in fear, or uncertainty. Choose to accept this promise of peace, and trust…. so that you do not need to be afraid.


God Bless,


Brian  Thetford C.T.B.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

another year gone

Psalm 46:1   God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

I turn 42 today. As I usually do on my birthday, I take a quick reassessment of where I have been, where I am going, and just how I wound up where I am today. One thing is for sure, this Psalm has held true for me my entire life. I should explain that my whole life was not anything like it is today. I have ran as far and as fast as I could from God for a good part of my young life. I thought we had an understanding, He hosed me on my family life, so I would hose Him on my commitment. The older I get, the more I understand the “very present help” part of this verse. It is a very big reason why I am where I am, and doing what I do. You see, I ran out on God, but He never ran out on me. He never left my side. No matter how dark the shadows were that I ran into, He followed. No matter how base the environment was, He followed me in, He sent His Son to walk with me, to keep me on my feet, to keep me sane, in the insane world I was living in. I see that now, looking back. I walked away from things I should not have, I managed to live, even after I was sure my heart was dead. I know it could not of been an easy task, He enlisted the help of a woman to drag me kicking and screaming out of the shadows, and into the light. Today looking back, I am thankful that all 4 of them, God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and Leslie Thetford, stuck by me. It has been a long road, with many pot holes, many off road excursions, and a lot of joy, pain, laughter and tears. One thing is for sure though, If this Psalm were not true, I would not be here today. God has sheltered me, strengthened me, and bailed me out of more jams that I can recount. He sent a wonderful woman into my life, that is hard as nails, and as soft as silk all at the same time. He blessed me with two girls that keep my heart soft, and my mind sharp. He has given me more than I deserve, and continues to do that every day.  God has been there for me, and had blessed me, it is my prayer that you allow Him to do the same for you.

If you have found yourself in a place today, and you think you are alone, beaten down, and have nowhere to turn, I would challenge you to be still, quiet your heart, and listen. God is with you, a lot of times, we just think we don’t need or want Him… least not right now….. He is faithful, and He is working for you as we speak, give Him the chance to show you just what is possible. Let Him show you what the impossible looks like, for everything is possible through Him.

 God Bless,
Brian  Thetford 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

tired, or tireless?

Luke 17:7  "Will any one of you who has a servant plowing or keeping sheep say to him when he has come in from the field, 'Come at once and recline at table'? 8  Will he not rather say to him, 'Prepare supper for me, and dress properly, and serve me while I eat and drink, and afterward you will eat and drink'? 9  Does he thank the servant because he did what was commanded?

Gods work is never done. He works tirelessly, and endlessly on our behalf. Christ is just another version of the same story. There is always something else, one more prayer to answer, one more soul to find, one more life to touch. They will never stop working for the good in our lives. So when we look in the mirror what life do we see for ourselves?  I know if I am honest with myself, my life often is spent looking for the stopping point. As a matter of fact, that is how I plan a lot of my endeavors….I find the completion point, and mark it.  But what if we dared to live differently? What if we decided to live as large of a life as God has planned for us? How would we do that? Remove the end point! In truth there is no end to our story. God did not say go live and then die, He gave us His Son to ensure that we had the chance to live a life eternally with Him. This means that our work too……is never done. We serve a great God, and there is so much to be done that we could fill every hour of every day, and still not finish the list.

Now I can hear you already, Oh great another person ranting about how we do not do enough for God. WRONG! If you are looking at serving God as some chore, then you have missed the beauty of the gift that has been given to us! That is what it is, a gift. We have been tasked with bringing the good news to the world. We have been asked to live a life in the model of Christ. That my friends is not a chore, it is an honor. I would say that if you are looking at what needs to be done, and looking at where the end point is, then you are not working for God, you are working for yourself. Even noticed that anything you do alone seems to be drudgery? The task is long, and drawn out, and you can’t wait to be finished. I will tell you the truth, that is were a lot of us make our mistake. The tasks we were given were never meant to be tackled alone. We have a Spiritual army at our disposal. The Holy Trinity is waiting in the wings, hoping, and begging for you to “put them in the game”.

Oh it is true, as servants of Christ our work is never done, and there is nothing that we can do to “win the favor” of God. The favor we think we need to be given, has already been freely given, before we ever asked. It is up to us to seize it, to remove that little red pin on our map of life, and commit to work endlessly for our God. Not because of what we will get, but because of what we have already been given. You have heard the saying there ain’t no rest of the wicked?  That was a misprint. The correct phrase is there ain’t no rest for the redeemed. To fully live the life that God has in store for us, we must commit to fully live! We have to pull the pin, and attack life. Forget about when is the end, the question is what is next? When we turn off that lie in our head that tells us that we have done enough. Then we start to then a life of abundant joy pursuing God’s work.  

Think it is not worth it? Are you thinking it might be too much work? Maybe you are just not equipped……I want you to think about Christ. What if He had thought that!? Did He not go and pray the night before His death for His Father to take the cup from Him? He KNEW what was ahead, He KNEW the daunting task, He KNEW it was going to be a lot of work. Yet how did He finish  that prayer? Not by my will, but by yours. He was ready to serve His master, His Lord, His Father, until the very end, until the last breath, with every fiber of His being. He was a true servant. Folks we are going to serve someone. As a line from one of my favorite songs goes. It might be the devil, or it might be the Lord, but we are going to have to serve someone.  Wanna sit back and enjoy the comfy life? Go right ahead that will serve someone juuuust fine. Want to explode your life? Want to see your life and those around you transform from the ordinary to the extraordinary? Serve the Lord, as vigorously as He has served, and continues to serve us! Think I am kidding? I dare you to try it. you Give the Lord 2 weeks of all out service, jump right into the deep end with Him. Amazing things await.

God Bless,
Brian  Thetford

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Are we thankful?

Luk 17:15  Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice; 16  and he fell on his face at Jesus' feet, giving him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan. 17  Then Jesus answered, "Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? 18  Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?"


Where are the nine? Christ had just healed 10, only one showed up to give thanks. This brings up an interesting issue. Jesus pointed out that only one returned  and gave praise. This is easy to overlook, but the key is that only one returned. We don’t think much about the other nine do we? Do you think they went off and never thought of Jesus again? Highly doubtful. I can see them continuing along their way, talking about the “great man” that healed them, perhaps they came across some other people that had heard of Christ, do you think they would not have told the story of how Christ healed them? Of course they would have! They were healed! Christ points out that only one returned to give thanks. It makes me think of life today. How often is the Lord blessing our lives?  How often does He move on our behalf, and yet we do not return to give thanks. Much like the other nine we too run off into the world with our prayers answered. We might share our experience, we might tell people about how lucky we are, but are we returning? Are we going back to the Lord on a personal level and giving Him the thanks and credit?


If you know me even a little, you know I am big on personal responsibility. This is what I am reminded of when I read this scripture. The debt we often overlook. We are blessed, but we do not give back that blessing. Christ gave His life, God gave His Son…..we were given eternal life, and true freedom, are we thankful? Oh I know, I know, yes we are thankful on some level, but are we returning? Are we showing back up for the Lord in even a fraction of the way He has shown up for us? It is easy to say thank you, it is easy to tip a hat to the Lord, it is easy to speak the words. The challenge comes in the returning. Taking the time to get back to Christ. Taking the time to set the world aside, and be thankful.


Think of the last time you gave your child something, if you do not have a child then think of the last time you asked your parents for something. When it was given, or received, was it just an empty hand filled, then a quick thanks….you know the kind I am talking about, just a quick afterthought. A nicety, a good manner instilled by generations before us. That is not thanks, that is being pleasant. When we are thankful for something it overwhelms us doesn’t it? It floods our hearts with gratitude, and joy. SO much so that we first want to find that person, and shower them not just with thanks, but with a true out pouring of love, and thankfulness. Then what is the very next thing? When we are thankful, truly thankful, what is the first thing we want to do?  We say Ohhh I have to do something for them. Folks, that is the return. That is what Christ is looking for. Yes be thankful, yes, say the words, but we have to remember to return that thanks. The best way we can do that is by living that thanks out loud. I am sure that all 10 of those healed were thankful, if they were to see Christ again, I bet they would say, “hey, thanks for the hook up, that was awesome” however, the one that returned, you can bet he was changed forever. He was truly thankful, he returned, he made the trip, he put forth the effort.


Let us challenge ourselves to be the 1 out of 10. This week, let us be on the lookout for God’s blessing, and when we find it, let us be thankful. Let us shout form the rooftops, and let us allow it to change our lives the way the Lord intended. A blessing is only a blessing, if we allow it to be.


In Christ,

Brian  Thetford C.T.B.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Why change?

Titus 2:6  Likewise, urge the younger men to be self-controlled. 7  Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, 8  and sound speech that cannot be condemned, so that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us.

Why Why Why? It is the age old question….if we are so free, so saved, then why must we work so hard to be so different. In today’s world there is not a lot of difference between those of us that go to Church, and those of us that don’t. This is what Paul was warning about here. You see, God loves each of us, there is no doubt of that, each of us have the free, open ended invitation to salvation, yet we must choose it. Once chosen, we truly are a new being, a new person, a new creation…..not just for God to see, but for the world to see. From the moment we give our lives to Christ, to the day we draw our last breath, we strive to be more like Christ. Here we find the answer to the question why. Christ was not like the rest of the world. He was very different. His actions matched His teachings. Not like the rulers, and priests of His time, who practiced one thing yet preached another. Christ was in fact a living example of His Fathers word.  

Today we are called to try and walk in the same path. Will we be as successful as Christ? I can promise you, we will fall short. However we must push on, as Paul would say, we must run the race to win the prize. Most of all, we must work to live a life that shows the differences between a life of Christ, and a life of this world. The world is watching, our neighbor is watching, our friends are watching. Will we live the life Christ has called us to, or will we praise the Lord form one side of our mouth, and chase the world with the other? I am in no way saying this is easy, I am in no way saying this all happens overnight. It is a lifelong process, and that is what makes it hard.

Today we will find ourselves at work, in school, and many other social occasions, will re remember these words? Will we strive today, to live better than yesterday? Can we promise to tell one less lie, take one less short cut, to say one more (maybe it is just one) prayer, to give God thanks one extra time today? I wish I could tell you that you give your life to Christ, and, your life becomes a bed of roses. That would be a lie. It is all about that next step. Some days we take a giant leap ahead, and some days we might only move an inch forward. The point is to keep moving forward. Continue to reach for the goals in this scripture, continue to press towards the finish line. God knows you can do it, Christ died to make sure we have the chance…..the world is watching….let’s give them a picture of what Christ’s life, love, and forgiveness looks like.

Brian  Thetford

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

You the Lord and Who?


Pro 11:14  Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.  ESV




I don’t need to go to church, I don’t need to read the Bible, I don’t need anyone to help, I can do anything all by myself. Do you know anyone like that? Maybe to some degree you are like that…actually if we are honest with ourselves I think we can say that on some level we all are guilty of feeling this way. We have Jesus, and that is all we need.  Get out of my way because here I come.


While it is true the with Christ in your life there is nothing that you need that He will not provide………but read that statement again, there is nothing that you need that He will not provide.  One of the things that we overlook is the fact the Christ is constantly working in our lives. HE works out in the open where we can see, but He also works behind the curtain, where we have no idea what is going on. One of the most important things the Lord does for us, is to move people in and out of our lives, at a time when we need them, and they need us. Think of it as a huge clock, each wheel, arm, cog, and axel totally dependent on the other. There is not one piece in that clock that can fail to work, there is not one piece that can reach its full potential on its own.  This is how the Lord keeps us from failing. We stay together, we stay in sync, and we stay safe.


When we come to the highly popular idea that we do not need to go to church (I used to be one of those guys) we are setting ourselves up for failure. Church is not a place to go to hear a book report, punch your attendance card, then head back out into the world. It is a place of safety, it is a place where you can recharge your batteries, and most importantly find guidance, strength, and true friendship. Church is a building where we can find the living body of Christ inside. To say we do not need it is to rob ourselves of one of the safety nets that the Lord has provided us.


To say that you do not need to read the bible, is the equivalent of saying I know how to build a space shuttle, so I do not need the directions. Christ told us He would send the great counselor after He left the world, and He did just that. He sent the Holy Spirit, to reside in each of us. You will never hear the counsel more clearly that when you are reading the Word of God. Within the word you will find the counsel you long for, the direction you need, and the conviction to carry on, even when the rest of the world tells you to stop.


Most importantly, when we say we can do this all by ourselves, we would do well to remember God himself saw, and stated that it was not good for us to be alone. You can read throughout the Bible and see many examples where God specifically brought people together to go out and spread His word. Why do you think that is? We are not meant to walk alone, even with the Lord at our side, we need earthly help. The encouragement that can only come from a friend, the intimacy that can only come from a spouse, the guidance that can only come from a mentor, the call to righteousness that can only come from an enemy. We cannot walk this world alone, and this is what this scripture is reminding us of. Alone we will fall, but with God,  Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the love and support of friends family, and a solid Church body at our side, we surround ourselves with the safety that can only come in numbers.  To borrow a phrase from our lovely Government we truly become too big to fail!



God Bless,


Brian Thetford


The Ridge Fellowship




The Workweek With Christ


Friday, January 20, 2012

Straight not easy

Isaiah 45:2  "I will go before you and level the exalted places, I will break in pieces the doors of bronze and cut through the bars of iron,



The KJV reads “I will make the crooked places straight” to read this passages it is easy to see that the Lord is promising to make the high places reachable, the crooked places straight, break down barriers, and cut through excuses. Many people read this and think, “oh yeah, I am in!” I follow the Lord, and the Lord will make my life easy……..sorry to be the one to break it to those people, but that is not what was just promised in this passage. Another idea taken out of context is the idea that the Lord just promised me to take me where I want to go on this easy new road…….yeah… again….no so much!


There is no doubt that the Lord will make the way clear by leveling and straightening the road, but He did not promise that He was going to remove all of the obstacles along the way. He said He would break down barriers, and cut through bars, those would be things that we might not be able to do on our own, however the day to day stuff, the interactions with others, the hard choices we make, the difficult times, and seasons of doubt. Those are all still there, and they are all still ours. Furthermore, often once the path does become clear, it becomes very evident that where the path leads, is nowhere near where we wanted to go. 


I say these things not to discourage, but to encourage you. You see God is with you, He is working right now on your behalf, but you have to have faith that if He has left something in your path, then it is something that you can deal with, overcome, and destroy.  If you see where you are heading and it is not where you wanted or expected to go, you have to realize that what you thought would bring you happiness, will be eclipsed by the true joy that the Lord has in store for you. To give you some examples. I am a pretty fit guy. I try to eat pretty healthy, go to the gym regularly, and lead a generally healthy lifestyle. I expect that I will have a pretty healthy life to come…..nope, wrong answer, despite my best efforts I have found that I still have health issues, ones that will require even more effort on my part. Not exactly what I had planned. I have a friend that started off with a degree in psych, and is now a lawyer for a non-profit, a friend that went to school for engineering, and is now a Minister. You see God made the road straight, but it is still a though road, and the destination changes to where He needs you, not where you want to go. 8 years ago, I would have laughed had you told me that I would be writing this today. Yet, as it stands now, I can’t imagine doing anything else.


All of this is to simply say that we cannot afford to live on our timeline, by our rules, heading to our destination. God will straighten the path, and clear the “impossible barriers” but then we must walk by faith. Knowing that anything left in our path, we can handle, any difficulty we come up against is nothing more than The Lord leaving the light work to us. When our lives don’t go the way we planned, it is not the Lord making it difficult, it is the devil trying to knock us off the path. Living by faith, is not just saying “oh sure I believe in the Christ. You see…..even the devil believes in Jesus Christ. Living by faith is not just saying I trust in God, as we continue to fight against His will. Living in faith is standing in front of the Goliaths of the world with nothing but a sling. It is walking square into the difficulties in our life knowing that not only will we survive, but we will be victorious. He has brought the high places down, He has straightened the crooked places, and broken down doors, and cut the bars…now all we have to do is walk in faith, and if we can’t walk, then we crawl, and if we can’t crawl, then Christ himself will lift us up and carry us. Know this, God did not go through the trouble of straightening the road, only to make this life harder on you. He did not send His Son to die for us, only to turn around and say that you are not worth the trouble. You are important, you are loved, you are needed, and you are stronger, faster, and more worthy than what you give yourself credit for. Take on the hardships that come, walk through the season of doubt. Know that even though you might not have seen yourself going in the direction that path might lead….that is exactly where the Lord needs you…..and yes, yes you can do it.   



God Bless,


Brian Thetford


The Ridge Fellowship




The Workweek With Christ


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

If It Is Not Good

1Thessalonians 5: 16-18 16Rejoice always, 17pray without ceasing,  18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.




Give thanks, and rejoice? Pray without ceasing? I know I can hear some of you now….really Brian? Do you know the year I have had? Do you know the struggles, the disappointments, the tragedy, and the fix I am in right now? You are saying that I should still give thanks? I should still rejoice? I am telling you unequivocally, yes give thanks. At the moment when you think you have nothing to give thanks, is the moment you should realize there is someone (most likely in the same town, if not neighborhood) who would love to trade places with you. In all things, at all times, give thanks and rejoice. Think of the years that Joseph spent in jail (for a crime he did not really commit no less), think of Noah and the doves that came back with nothing to show. What about Paul in Prison? Time and time again throughout the Bible we see people in dire positions. Things are not looking good, as a matter of fact most of the time they are looking pretty grim. Yet we do not see despair, we do not see isolation, we do not see  then throwing in the towel, or starting up a pity party. No, we read of them praying, singing songs of praise and worship, we see them giving thanks for their lives, even though it is not the way they want it to be right then…….and there it is, the bottom line, and the brass tack. All of them had a couple of things in common, they were not where they wanted to be, but they had faith that it was not where they would end up. Romans 8:28 tells us that God works for the good in the lives of those who love Him. Do you know what that means? If it is not good, then God is not done. That my friends is a cause for eternal optimism. What can’t we endure for a short while?


Time is something we created. There is not an eighth day where it is written that God created the 24 hour day. I am convinced that it is one of the biggest hindrances to our relationship with Christ. You see our time is nothing to Him. As a result it seems like we are always “waiting an eternity” when it is really just a blink of an eye.  The storm you weather now is worthy of thanks. For it is that storm that will draw you closer to the Lord. Now I am not by any means saying that God makes bad things happen to us so we will love Him more. That would make the Lord a pretty petty God. However bad things happen in life, by our choosing, by our actions, the actions of others, sometimes we really can’t see why. If you survive it in one piece will largely depend on if you believe this is the end or not. I remember when I was a kid, and a F was the “end of the world” then later when a girl dumped me, that was “the end of the world” later in life the loss of a job, or a missed promotion was “the end” Until one day it finally clicked, this can’t be the end, because this is not good. That tells me two things, it is going to get better, and no matter how much this hurts, it will not last a lifetime. That my friends is worthy of thanks. And you can bet I was praying through the whole time, then praying some more after just, to say thanks again.


Oh yeah, I know it is easy to say, but hard to do, it is hard to find the voice to give thanks when the boot of life seems to be crushing your windpipe ….but let me ask you this, what have you ever received in life for free that was worth having?  Your home?  Your spouse? Your job? Life takes a lot of hard work, so why would we think that our spiritual life would be a walk in the park? The closer you get to the Lord, the harder the devil will work to pull you away.  I offer up this challenge, your next hardship, perhaps that is right now, give thanks, give thanks that it is not worse, give thanks that it is short lived, you pick what to be thankful for, but give thanks, then pray, offer up your troubles, give Christ the chance to show up, let Him know that you depend on Him, and then here is the hard part…… rejoice. If for no other reason than you know that the end of this storm must be coming. Make it a point to rejoice. Yes I do know how hard that can be. I have been there and done it……and I want you to know, it will work. God is not a liar, Christ will not leave you, the Holy Spirit will not subside. If it is not good, He is not done, and that is a huge reason to rejoice, pray, and give thanks.



God Bless,


Brian Thetford


The Ridge Fellowship




The Workweek With Christ


Tuesday, January 3, 2012


1Johnn 3:1  See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.



We are all called children of God, we are assured of that throughout the Bible. Let us not confuse being children of God, with being perfect like the Son of God.  AS we surface form the Christmas season, and embark on a new year, we should take time to really look at where we want to go this year. It is the time of the resolutions that will last all year…or maybe a month…or maybe a week…..or maybe they have already died. When we look at things we want to change about ourselves, and the world around us this year let us make it a point to resolve things that we see to be imperfections, not necessarily what the world tell us are imperfections. We would do well to remember this verse. We are children of God, and the world does not know us.


It is important to remember this verse because what the world sees and what we know to be true often tend to be different things. The world tells us that we are fat, and that it is the upmost important thing to get skinny so that we might be accepted. However God loves fat people, just as much as he loves skinny people. The world tells us that to be successful we must become rich, but here again God loves the rich, as much as the poor. The world tells us that being popular, and outgoing is important, yet we know that the meek shall inherit the earth. As we ponder the coming year we would do ourselves, and the Lord the most justice by resolving to change what the Lord tells us is important, and not worrying too much what the world sees.


You see the Lord does not care if you are fat or thin, yet he does hate the sin of lying. The Lord does not care if you are successful in the business world, but He cares deeply in the success of your relationship with His Son Jesus Christ. God is not too concerned with how outgoing you are, He Himself used a man with a stutter  to free a nation. He does care how outgoing you allow the Holy Spirit to become in your life. You tell the world these truths, and you will be laughed at, but you see their expectations are not the same as yours, for they do not know you, and they did not know Christ when He came.


When Christ came to Earth it was expected that He would be a King in every sense of the word. It was expected that He would arrive in style, with His birth shouted from the rooftops, and His entrance into this world marked with a festival of epic proportions. Yet He entered this world in much of the opposite fashion, so the world could not see Him. Much in the same way this year, the world expects you, me, all of us to rally to the call of the same old lame resolutions…the perfect image, the perfect job, the perfect house, the perfect life, they will expect you to resolve to be the perfect worldly person that they think you should be. As always we have a choice to make, will this be a year of conforming to the world, or to God? Will we strive to make this life better for now, or will we work to make our lives and the lives of those around us better for eternity?


My resolution this year is to make it through the Bible twice. Of course when I share my resolution with some folks they ask why…or my favorite…for what? That is ok though, they do not know me, the One who does, knows all too well why, and for what. As you kick off this year, what shall you resolve to do? Will it be to make simple changes that effects your life today and tomorrow, possibly the year? Will it be the ones the world expects? Or will you step out in faith, will you make it a year that your resolution can impact eternity? Many will not understand, and they will not expect it, but that will be ok, the world does not know us, because they did not know Him.



God Bless,


Brian Thetford


The Ridge Fellowship




The Workweek With Christ