Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tuesday the 13th

John 16:  33"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."


Here is Christ telling His disciples that he will be taken away, but will return. He tells them so that they might have peace, but notice He does not just tell them “hey don’t worry about it, I will leave, then return. He is telling them look things are changing, and they will never be the same again…know this, while I will be with you and give you peace……in this world you will have trouble. Not maybe, not possibly, not some of you……but He was telling them that they all would have trouble, life would be challenging, life would be tough, and it might seem at times unfair, but to remember Christ had overcome the world. If Christ could overcome the world, then how could anyone who followed Christ not find peace? How could they doubt the love God has for them, how could they worry about small troubles, when the Prince of Peace had endured, and conquered troubles far larger than any we might encounter. It all comes down to where we operate from. Christ wished for us to live with peace in our hearts, and that is where we have to start. We have to go out into he world with peace. I lived many years of my life angry, I did not realize it at the time, but looking back, I can see that anger was the driving force in my day. I know that some of you know exactly what I am talking about, and some of us still operate from a place of anger today. We are angry that we want more and cannot have it, angry that our lives have not become what we planned, angry that others have what we want. We have to learn to first go to Christ with our anger. Take it to Him, bare your soul to Him, allow Him to remove that anger and replace it with peace…..yeah, I know, sounds to easy, what is the catch right? There is no catch, all you have to do is ask Him to take it. Not only will the Lord remove it from you, but He will replace it with peace. The peace that only He can give, the peace that He wished for His disciples, and the peace that he wishes for each one of us. Take heart, life will get tough, but He has over come the world, so that we might all live, and operate form a place of peace!



God Bless,

Brian Thetford





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