Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thursday the 8th

Acts 3:   12When Peter saw this (people astonished at the healing of a beggar), he said to them: "Men of Israel, why does this surprise you? Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?


How did he do that???? Even today we ask that question. Sickness healed, life’s needs met even when all looks lost……How did that happen? We look to the answers that the world would have us believe….”well he was lucky”…..or “nothing was really wrong to begin with” …or maybe even “they were given something they did not deserve”……and perhaps that is the correct answer! Why would we be astonished at any great feat being accomplished? Is not our God the God of the living? Have we not been told that He will sustain us, and never forsake us? Have we not be promised that through our faith, we would be rewarded with more than we deserve? These things happen because God is in the middle of it all! There is nothing that happens that God’s hand is not on. It is not because of any of our greatness that these things happen, it is because of the Love God has for us. That love is transferred to each of us, and we are encouraged….no we are commanded to go out and spread that love. The Lord used the Apostles to accomplish great things. By their faith in the risen King they lived spectacular, spiritually filled lives, carrying out the Lord’s work. You might think “well that was the Apostles, not me”. To that I must disagree. Within each of us is the power to accomplish great things in the name of Jesus Christ. Each day lends us the opportunity to go out and make a difference in others lives. It should not seem foreign to us, yet I can promise you it will seem foreign to the world! Through the power of Christ you may not heal a beggar physically (not saying you won’t), but you can heal them spiritually, and emotionally….when the world sees that changed person you will hear that all familiar question….how did he do that? Feel free to ask the same question asked so long ago…….why does this surprise you? Let them know that it is the Lord that heals us all!



God Bless,

Brian Thetford





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