Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday the 12th

Galatians 2: 6


6As for those who seemed to be important—whatever they were makes no difference to me; God does not judge by external appearance—those men added nothing to my message.


Have you ever got a piece of tape stuck to the bottom of your shoe? You don’t notice it at first, then you look down and you have picked up all kinds of trash! Well our lives are just like that! We have to pay attention to what we pick up along the way! Just like Paul says here, we also need to make sure that what we pick up adds to our message, not takes away. People will always come in to your life that want to contribute something….we all have something to give….We have to be on guard for what we take and what we leave. Paul makes a good pint here about external appearances, don’t be fooled by them. They might have flash they might have a great pedigree, they might have a lot of people lined up behind them touting their achievements. Remember it is not the outside that counts. All of the education in the world is not needed by the person who is called by Christ to profess the word, the same can be said for money, social status and the like. It might make him a better speaker, it might look good hanging on the wall, people might like him, or he might have money to burn,  but the Lord speaks through your heart, not through your external possessions. Just the same the person who has all of those things, but preaches out of self-interest, or uses the Word of God for personal gain…..well all of those external things will not help them when it counts. The Lord sees us from the inside out, so clothe yourself accordingly, dress your soul in the Lord, make your heart a beautifully decorated temple for the Lord, don’t worry to much about the outside, the clothes do not make the man, the heart does!




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