Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Give yourself permission

Colossians 2: 20


20Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules


Many today call themselves Christian, yet try to apply all of the rules of society on to the faith. Christ does not need an earthly jury, the rules that have been written by men to control other men do not apply. Christ has given each of us a new life, and a new set of instructions. Directions that include, love, compassion, faith, grace…..when you strive to reach those laws you find that you do not have to worry about falling below the laws of man. The laws of this world save you from sin, the laws of the Lord, save you from death, and grant eternal life. Break yourself free form the world, and all of it’s chains. Refuse to accept the viewpoint of the world that you have a place, and you have to stay in that little box. We all belong with the Lord, Children of God, and brothers, and sisters of Christ. The path to get there will be easy to see, it will have the footprints of Christ already laid down for us to follow. Give yourself permission to become what you were intended, a child of Light, then let that light shine for all to see. God blessed you before you were born, all that is holding you back is you.







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