Monday, March 30, 2009

pass it on

2 Thessalonians 2: 15


15So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.


This teaching is as important now as it was back then, if not more so. Today there is an undeniable assault to keep Christianity in the background of our society. Now more than ever we should all be vigilant to keep the teachings of Christ in the spotlight. Let us not forget that our struggle in our lives is a struggle of finding, walking, keeping, Christ in our lives, and the lives of those around us. Do not let yourself become muted by the world that tells you that it is offensive to profess the teachings of Christ. Stand firm, and boldly profess that love, grace, peace, and comfort that is Jesus Christ. Hold your head high, and let the world know that you follow Christ, not the trends of the politically correct society. Turning your back on Christ in an attempt to appease the masses might make for an easy life here, but we all will be held accountable in the end. That is not meant to be a threat or some form of coercion. Christ came for all and He gave each of us an opportunity. What choice you make is up to you, but do not fool yourself, the person who makes it to Church on Sunday, but hides in the shadows during the week will have to justify themselves just the same as you and I. Hold on to the word, but remember to pass it on, don’t hold it in!






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