Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wed the 20th

John 17: 4

4I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.


How do we glorify God? Just as Christ points out here. We complete the work we are given to do. Each of us has a checklist that has to be completed. Before it is completed, we cannot be taken, and once it is done, no one or no thing, can keep us here. We each figure greatly into the plan that God has for this world, He needs each and every one of us to get out and be active. Yes even you…..all to often we sit on the shore and watch the boats leave the harbor, all the while our boat is tied safely at dock. Our God made each one of us a captain of our vessel. It is up to us to cast off the moorings, and set sail. We cannot fully glorify God, unless we fully engage in the life He has given us. I don’t know about you, but I can look at my life and see half-measures in places that should be all out effort. We have to go all out if we are going to complete the work we have been given. It seems that the first half of our task is easy, we show up…... We make the effort; but it is the second half that is so important. It is the going out and looking for those that are different than us, it is reaching out to those that are lost and searching for God. It is the spreading of His Word to all the corners of the globe….Yeah I know I get tired just thinking about the task! Just look at the attitude of Christ though, talk about follow through! He is declaring to His Father, I have completed it! It is done, I have a little farther to go, but write it on your hand…it is done. See Christ might have felt a lot of emotions, He might have had many hardships, but failure was never never an option. Each one of us has that same drive, that same force inside of us. I know we do, because Jesus Christ is alive and well inside of those who will call on His name. So loose the mooring rope, and launch your vessel, resolve to set out to complete the work God has for you. With Christ at your side, and living inside of you, the task might seem daunting, but failure is not on your horizon, the full glorification of God is!



God Bless,

Brian Thetford

The New Covenant Church





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