Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday the 12th

John 14 : 1

1"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.


Yeah I know, it seems like a pretty simple scripture. Trust in God, trust in Christ. Almost goes without saying right? The question I pose is do you? Do we really trust in God, or Christ? What do you trust in? Some might say the Government, some might say their friends and family, others might say themselves. All of these are worthless without the Lord. Our rock, or protection, or faith rests not in anything of this world, but only in the Lord. Christ makes it very plain in the beginning of this Chapter. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Now that is trust. That is not trust but verify, or trust , but have a back up plan, that statement is trust, and turn it loose. As the saying goes, let go and let God. This is where we need to focus our growth in our relationship with the Lord. God is not a new employee, or a child. We don’t give Him a task, then hover over Him watching to make sure it is done correctly. The Lord cannot fix anything if you will not take your hands off of it. Scary isn’t it? Are you going through a tough time right now? Do you find that the more you try and force an issue, the more it is pushing back on you? Maybe you are just so stressed that you are ready to pull your hair out, and bang your head against the wall. Turn it loose. Allow the Lord to work on your behalf, look for the path that He has set before you…..Trust in God, and Christ, let the Holy Spirit guide you. I urge each of you to fully turn your problems over to the Lord, you pray and do the leg work, let God set up the details. Listen for the Holy Spirit to guide you…..and here is the important part….Go where It leads!!! Don’t waste the time, energy, and emotions on a troubled Heart. Trust in God He has great plans for each of us!






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