Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wed. the 4th

2 Peter 3: 3-4


 3First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation."


1500 years, that is the span of time the Bible covers, over 400 hundred years between the old Testament, and the New……..What was true back then, is still very true now. God is still God. He has not changed, He is still the God of Abraham, Christ is still the Savior to the world. However, While the Lord has not changed, and never will, Humans are…..well human. We are always changing, there are those among us who are always looking for the next big thing, or the easiest way from point a. to point b. So yes today we have our scoffers, the T.V. is full of them, the talking heads go to great lengths to try and convince the world that their way is the way to go. They often cite this very point that Peter makes “where is this coming”, or if He is so powerful, why doesn’t He show himself. The Lord is just as present today, as He was in the days of Abraham, and the days of the Apostles. The thing that has changed is that most people don’t ask God to come around as much. They don’t invite Him and His Son into their living rooms, their families, their jobs, or their lives. More and more people are beginning to believe the scoffers. However, God is still God. He still speaks through the scriptures, and through His people today, HE still answers prayers, He still repairs broken lives, and Christ still walks with us all everyday, trying to guide, and protect. It is not God that has changed, or left, it is society that has hardened it’s heart to the Lord. It is the warped belief that the Lord will help us through the hard times, but we don’t need him during the good times. Since the beginning of time the Lord has worked for the good of the people He loves, yet just like some of the Israelites, people today say it is not enough, it does not count. I encourage everyone, don’t listen to the scoffers, instead go the opposite direction, dedicate your life to looking for God, search out Christ. If you want the promise, if you want proof, if you want to see just how present the Lord is in the world today…….then quiet the scoffers, and turn to the Lord. He will show up in your life, but you have to invite Him, you have to search for Him, and you have to be willing to follow Him. If you want to see Him, you have to open your eyes, your heart, and your mind. When you search for him, you will find him, just as Christ said,  ask and it will be given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened. Search for him, then show others the way.






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