Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday the 3rd

2 Peter 3:19


19They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him.


To quote my favorite line from Bob Dylan “you’re going to have to serve somebody, it might be the devil, or it might be the Lord, but you are going to have to serve somebody”. So today, I ask one question, what are you “given” to? Whatever you fill into that blank, is what has mastered you. Is it what is your driving force in your life. Is it money, power, tangible items, maybe it is friends, family, your online connections? Maybe you are given to several things all at the same time. Whatever the answer there is only two people that know for sure, and that is you and the Lord. We can have only one master, all things in our life flow from what we hold most important. This is why it is imperative to place the Lord, not just high on that list, but at the very top. After all isn’t that what following Christ is all about? Giving our lives to Him, so that the world can see us as a living example of His love. Don’t allow yourself to be enticed by the world. The trinkets that it offers will rust and vanish, the power is only temporary, as it is so often said in Ecclesiastes, this too is meaningless. Without the Lord as our master we will be dammed to a life that is only as long as we draw breath on this planet. We can be given to anything, but there is only one thing worth our time, our effort, and our praise; that is our Lord and Savior. By placing him first we find that goodness, and peace flow from our lives. While it is not a remedy for an easy life here in this world, it is a recipe for a life that lasts beyond the grave. So I urge everyone, search your soul, find what it is in your heart that you allow to be your master. It is my prayer that you find it to be the Lord. Don’t follow the world to death, choose to live a life eternal, with the Lord as your master. When you do, you will see the beauty, the grace, and the power, that surrounds you. Become a slave to the truth.


Lord Bless,




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