Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday the 20th

Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus


Today is my birthday, I turned 25……..ok well add 14 more and that might be right!  As the week has gone on I have had one thing on my mind. Peace. I went a long way through my life with no peace, I did not even know I was missing it! I have read, and studied, and read some more, it took many years to find it, but what I have learned is right after you let Christ in, you have to work on peace next, peace in your life, peace in your relationships, peace with yourself, in short you need the peace of God, and it is up to you to let that in. Without peace the world is still too loud, and that noise drowns out the voice of the Lord. That noise causes confusion, and the confusion leads to panic, and uncertainty. These verses are favorites of mine concerning peace of God. Paul makes it very clear where to look, and how to find peace……. On a bended knee. It is in prayer that we can quiet the noise of the world, it is in prayer that we give the Holy Spirit the room to search our souls. It is in prayer that we will find the Peace of God. Once you find it, once you let it in, the world will fall away. You will see that nothing is impossible with Christ at your side. When God is guarding your heart and mind, with Christ at your side, and peace in your heart you will be unstoppable! Be anxious for nothing, let the peace of God fill your life, and guide your steps.


God bless, and have a great weekend,





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