Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday the 19th

3 John: 5


 5Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers, even though they are strangers to you.


As I was reading this letter this morning this verse really stuck with me. Paul points out to Gaius that he is faithful for what he is doing ( going out to spread the truth of Christ) even though those people are strangers to him. How powerful this one line is. Preaching to those you know, witnessing to those of a like mind is easy, but going out and carrying the word (in word and deed) to those you do not know really gives us the opportunity to show our faith. How often do we bend over backwards for those that we know, yet brush aside the people that we do not? Have you ever noticed how simple it is to convey compassion to those that are close to us, yet our hearts so easily turn cold when we see strangers in the exact same situation? This is really the meat of this letter (and to warn of Diotrephes party). Paul is encouraging Gaius to continue on, fight the good fight and spread the word. Why would Gaius need encouragement? Because Paul knew all to well just how hard that it can be to try and bring light to darkness. So let us each continue to encourage each other, let us remind each other that the great commission is for all of us, and while it might take you around the globe, or just down the street, we must remain faithful. We must continue to spread the truth of Christ in word and deed, when it is easy, but especially when it is difficult. When we are challenged, when we find it difficult, those are the times that we are most closely watched by others. Those are the times that in our weakness we allow God to break through and show His strength. Let us continue to pray for and encourage each other, for the strangers that watch are our brothers and sisters as well!


Peace be with you,


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