Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday the 18th

Romans 14: 13Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.


You know some of the best intentioned people in the world are exactly what stand between people in their life, and Christ. Sometimes things in your life will not happen, simply because you will not get out of the way and let them happen. We create stumbling blocks all of the time in our spiritual life, and in our worldly life. I know my favorite stumbling block is almost 6’3” and weighs 220lbs! Folks…..that is a big block to trip over. As a matter of fact it is so big, that it would be hard not to trip over it. We often are our own worst enemies. We judge those around us, we carry grudges, we covet, and we demean, all in the name of Christ! That sentence does not even sound right does it? Yet that is what we do. This is what Paul is calling our attention to. We cannot spend our time judging those around us, then expect them to believe that Christians believe in God’s sovereignty. We can’t carry grudges, then expect people to believe that Christians are forgiving, and we sure can’t expect people to believe that we are a group of givers, and servers, if we spend our time looking for ways to take from people. Sometimes the best thing we can do, is step out of the picture. We need to get over ourselves, and remember it is Christ that saves, we just make the life raft available. It is the Holy Spirit that directs, we can only offer that map.  It is God who decides, we just pose the question. So as Paul urged so many years ago, I too urge today, do not put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother, or sister’s way…..Step back, and let the Lord do His work



God Bless,

Brian Thetford



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