Ecclesiastes 3: 1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.
Daniel 2: 21 He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning
Today is the last day of summer, a new season is upon us…….it doesn’t really feel that way though does it? It is still hot, the days are still long, the leaves are still green, and I am still cutting grass with sunscreen on. Make no mistake about it though summer is leaving us and fall is on the way. Waiting around for fall and spring is a lot like our lives in general. We are always ready for the next season, and it never seems like it is going to get here. We feel stuck in our lives, and often think nothing is going to change…the bills will never get paid, the promotion will never happen, my relationships will never get better…..guess what? Today just might be your last day of summer. That is the way it works you know? We often can’t appreciate it though because we are so focused on the situation we are in instead of focusing on God. We walk with our heads down, so focused on forcing this season to change, that the next thing we know the season has changed and we missed it. We just know that FINALLY things are better. Did you know that the best part of a season changing is the time when one is coming to a close, and the next is opening up? Think about if we missed the beginning of fall, we would miss the leaves changing, the birds changing their habits, the grass that has hounded you starts to slow it’s growth, the days get shorter, and the nights get longer, the humidity starts to drop, and the heat starts to fade. All of these things are missed because we are so focused on how miserable summer has been. Right now your season might be changing in your life, are you missing the gifts that God is placing in your life to mark the beginning of that change? If you are in a storm of life now, maybe that last wave was not as big as the ones before it, maybe the winds are dying down a little perhaps there is not as much water pouring into your boat as before. “so what” you think, it is still bad. Yes it might be but, you are being given signs, signs that things are changing, and that my friends gives hope, and hope will bring your faith forward, and faith will bring you through the end of any season. You might hope things get better, but faith tells you the unbearable heat will soon be leaving. You might hope that the storm passes, but faith reminds you that God controls all the seasons, and this too shall pass. Do you think Moses thought his season was about to change on the 39th year in the wilderness? Do you think that Daniel thought his season was about to change as he was lowered to the lions, or when Paul’s ship was sinking? At first they were worried, but it was their faith in God that brought them through it. It was their understanding that while it is God’s job to control the seasons, it is our job to learn from them, and seize every opportunity to glorify God during, and through the end of them. Don’t get lost in the seasons of your life, there is a reason this season is here, there is something to learn, there is something to do. Don’t let the heat of summer, or the chill of winter steal your focus. Know that God will change the season, you change the life.
God Bless,
God Bless,
Brian Thetford
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