Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday the 24th

John 13: 34"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.



It is a phrase you will find throughout the Bible. Love one another…. Christ preached it, you will find it in all of the Gospels, Romans, Galatians, Ephesians,  Hebrews, 1 Peter, 1 and 2 John just to name a few. Love one another, as Christ loved. It is easy to love ones who think like we do, but Christ Himself pointed out that even a sinner loves those that love them (Luke 6:32)  We have to love like Christ loved, and He loved every person in this world. Those that loved Him, and those that would kill Him, He spared love for no one.  I was talking to an Atheist I know online. One thing we both seem to agree on is that the world will never change if we cannot start at a point of love. Now you might think, well Brian, you old dog, you are just wanting to convert him, and he just wants to bring you over to his side. I would have to disagree with that thought. You see, I cannot change his mind, that is not my job, that is not my function. I am here to be a conduit for the Lord, it is up to the Lord as to who is changed and who is not, and just when that change will happen. All I can do is live a life that is reflective of Christ. Where my friend goes, well that is beyond my grasp. I can promise you this though, if I operate from a place of self interest, if I push away instead of trying to draw closer, I will never accomplish what I was sent here to do. Christ told us that people should know us because we love one another. That does not mean just Christians, it means everyone. We can’t punch someone then tell them we are about brotherly love. We can’t condemn those around us, then claim that we are forgiven, were we not at one time all sinners lost in the world, do we all not continue to sin, even while we struggle so hard against it? Christ knew that this would be a though one to follow, that is why he told us that If we could just love God, and love others, the rest would take care of itself. It is a hard thing to do, but if we do not, we set our religion on a course of destruction, and we make Christ out to be a liar. For if we say that we must love everyone except…….then we have said that Christ was wrong….that some people do not deserve love. If we cannot start with love, we will never end in peace. If we start with war, we will never find rest. If you find yourself surrounded by only people who think like you, act like you, dress like you, and believe like you, then you have to ask yourself, how am I making a difference on an individual level? Christ loves each one of us, His Father…..our Father,  created each one of us, there is not one child that he hates, if we expect to help others onto the path, if we want to provide a spark, that the Lord can fan into a flame, then we must adopt the same outlook. I will not hate my brother or my sister, even when they hurt me, for it is then that they need the most love.


God Bless,




God Bless,

Brian Thetford



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