Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wed the 28th

Malachi 3: 9 You are under a curse—the whole nation of you—because you are robbing me. 10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.


Bring your whole tithe into the store house! I know, I know, here we go again talking about money, why does it always have to be about the money? What if I was to tell you that if when you read this passage and if all you get is that God wants you to give more money, then you have missed the point?! This passage reads that God is asking for His whole tithe. All of it, and sadly what comes to my mind is all the people who just  put some money in the plate at church on Sunday, and consider their tithing done. This is a big scripture, God is calling us to give Him all of our tithe, that means a lot more than money. We get to wrapped up worrying about how much money we give. There are people who have plenty of it, and don’t give enough, and there are many who can’t afford to give much and still keep a roof over their head, and if you read the scripture, God has no intention of you being destitute. He wants to bless you, He wants to give you so much that you will not have enough room for it all. You see that is how God works, HE gives you plenty, so that you might have plenty to give….but it is not all about the money. Everything has value, especially to God. I was talking to a friend yesterday, and he was telling me that when he orders stuff online and it comes in, and does not fit, he donates it. Sure He is comfortable, he can afford to do that, but the difference is he does it. Most would return it and get what is theirs. Not this fella, he gives every chance he gets. I have another buddy of mine that he does not have much money, but he goes around and he gets people to sponsor him, so that he can go on mission trips, and help others.  He might not have money, but he has time, and he gives it. Another friend of mine spends his time teaching at a rehab center that is Christ centered, he does not have a lot of extra time, or money, but he has knowledge. These are men who give what they can, and then go out and give what they have extra of. This is offering God your full tithe. This is living for the glory of God. We all have something extra to give. Why would you want to hang on to it? DO you want more? Do you want to be blessed? Then give what you have, God promises He will give you more! Not just here Jeremiah 29 tells us that God has plans for us to be happy, to prosper us. Joshua 1 reminds us that God will be with us always. There are countless passages that show how much the Lord wants to give us. HE wants us to be happy, but we have to get rid of what He gives us, if we try to keep it, if we try to save it, it will rot in our storehouses. SO maybe you are thinking right now Brian, “I hurt to much to give anything, I need it all for myself” I can promise you others are hurting worse, and need you, and your perspective. If you want to heal yourself, go share the Word of God, and see how fast you will heal, and help heal someone else. It might be the very thing that is hurting about right now, needs to be shared with someone else with no faith, or little faith. Share it! Bring out your full tithe. God wants to open the floodgates of heaven, and drowned you in His love, but He has to know that you ware willing to do the same! You world can be flooded with the love, and blessing of God, just remember to grab a bucket and start passing those blessing out! We all have something to give, and there is someone out there that needs what only you can give. It all counts to the Lord, there is nothing to small, every act done in the name of the Lord is huge, and He will repay you double. Bring your full tithe to God, it is the only thing God will ask you to test Him on. You want to experience the full blessing of God? Test Him!


God Bless,



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