Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday the 12th

John 10: 12The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it.


We have all heard the story of the pig, the chicken, and breakfast. The Chicken is just involved, but the pig is committed. We have a lot of chickens in our life….or hired hands, however you would like to look at it. We have a lot of people who would steer us down a path for their own gain. You can usually tell someone’s true intentions when they are trying to “help” you, by how much they benefit by your participation. Typically your best interest is getting them paid, or increasing their status, or elevating them…..but of course they are just trying to help you out……and of course it never fails, when the plans go south, your life long friend, your mentor, your shepherd……..well he has gone missing. The wolf can be a pretty intimidating creature, and when he comes, you find out what those who have been your leaders are made of. Fair weather friends are a dime a dozen. They will be with you through thick and thin….but when it gets thick….well they thin out! We have but one shepherd in this life, and that is Christ. Why do I feel so confident in this statement? Because Christ has nothing to gain if I show up….. I know that sounds harsh, but really, there is nothing I can do for the Lord, that He cannot do for Himself. He does not need me for anything. He created everything you can see, what could I give to Him other than my worship, my praise, and my unwavering faith…..a pittance compared to what He gives me. This is why you know that Christ is the true shepherd, He asks for next to nothing, yet gives more than we can attain without Him. Christ said He is the good shepherd, and will lay His life down for His flock, and in fact He did just that. That is why we should cling only to Him in our time of need. He will be out in front, leading you to safety, He does not fear the wolf, and as a result, you have no need to fear the wolf either. Christ sees the wolf, and it is the wolf who runs, for even the devil himself knows that he does not stand a chance against the Lord. So take refuge in the good shepherd, unlike the hired had, Christ is committed, not just involved.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford


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