Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wed the 2nd

1 Corinthians 12: 27Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.



We are all part of the body of Christ. This is sometimes a hard concept to get your head around. I say hard because when we hear that phrase we so often put it in the worlds perspective. We are all part of the body of the company we work at, but that company, and I don’t care how cool that company is, (I work for a company that rivals Google in the coolness department) the company works for one goal, and we all support it, but we also work for our own goals within the company. That is cause of a lot of back biting, plotting, planning, and sometimes breeds a win at all cost mentality. You want the company to be successful, but you want the promotion, not the other guy, you want the raise, even if it means someone else goes without one. We are out to preserve ourselves, that is what the world teaches. That is not being part of the body of Christ. The body of Christ has one job and one goal, we work to glorify the Lord. We compliment each other, we support each other, and we put the needs of others before our own needs. Sounds a lot different that your secular job huh? It does not have to though. You can be the one to start the revolution, you can be the one that brings the body of Christ into the body of your company. I will go as far as to say we are encouraged, no, we are directed to make that happen. We are not told that we are part of the body of Christ only on Sunday, or we only have to support the body of Christ when we are not at work. It is a calling for a lifestyle change that encompasses 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We don’t go find God on Sunday morning at the Church. He is supposed to be coming in the door with us! I know, you are saying that is can’t be done. You can’t combine work and the body of Christ. One person can’t make a difference, no one works like that, they will just take advantage of you, they will exploit you, and they will walk all over you…….But I can think of a man who dared to challenge the way the world thought. He walked along the path of righteousness, and He too was taken advantage of, He was exploited, He was shunned, and He was murdered…..but He changed the world as we know it. What started off as one man, has grown into a force that spans the globe. You think you can’t make a difference by yourself, well you are right….but that man is still around today, and Christ will show up in your life so you do not have to work alone. Then an amazing thing happens, the body of Christ starts to come together at work. You find a set of legs that can help carry you, you find arms, and hands that can help reach out to others, you find a heart that will drive and feed the body. In short you become the one person, that one spark that sets a brush fire to the soul of those around you. Will you be that one person? Will you rise up and follow in the foot steps of the Man that set the world afire with His Spirit? We are each a part of the body of Christ, and we are called to bring more people into the body. That means at home, and at work. It means on Sunday, and every day that ends in y. You do not have to do it alone, you are not expected to. Christ is inside of you waiting for the chance to help you change your world… are not alone….you are never alone, and if you will take the first step, if you will rise to the challenge, you will find that there are others around you that are just looking for the spark, waiting to ignite……will you put the flint to steel?



God Bless,

Brian Thetford

The New Covenant Church





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