Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday the 8th

Proverbs 3: 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

I often think I know exactly what I am doing. I trust the plan I have come up with, and trust in my ability to get it accomplished. Then out of the blue, it all falls apart. I then would be left trying to figure out what went wrong….well I trusted in me, I trusted in others who ended up just having their own interests at heart, I trusted in everything but the Lord. I have learned that the way I see it….well it is not always the way it is. I might always see the iceberg, but I seldom see the huge chunk of ice beneath the surface. So I have learned to start trusting in the Lord. So what does that mean anyway? Does it mean that the Lord beams down a daily message? While I will be the first to say I have received good direction and clarity during prayer, by and large that is not what we mean when we say trust in the Lord. A lot of days I wish I did get those messages so clearly though….. When we say trust in the Lord we mean that we should trust in the Lord, His way, His example, His guidelines for our life. If we entrust the most precious thing we have, our life, to the Lord then we see what it means to trust the Lord. When we live our life according to the example that Christ gave us, then we show the world that we trust not just in a plan, or a day, but we trust in Him, totally, fully and completely. Then when the day goes bad, or the deal goes south, we know it is not a matter of what went wrong, but what went right. When we trust completely we know that if it has happened, in the end it will be for the good. We know that it is our whole life that counts not this one bump in the road. Set the expectations and the promises of this world to the side, and bet your life, and your soul on the One who always delivers, always fulfills His promises, and exceeds every expectation. Trust in the Lord, and free yourself form the disappointment.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford

The New Covenant Church






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