Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wed the 10th

Acts 5: 11


11Then they secretly persuaded some men to say, "We have heard Stephen speak words of blasphemy against Moses and against God."


There will always be people out there who will speak out against you. If they cannot find something in your past to drag up, then they will just make something up that suits their need. A lie always spreads quickly. I hear people question that if they are following the Lord, if they have given their lives to Christ, then why is their life still so difficult. Our lives here on earth have never been promised to be easy. We will face tragedy, pain, heartache….all types of trials will be found along our path. A great many of these will be carried out by the hands of others. It is our life beyond this one that we are working for. Our reassurance, our life raft, our sustenance, comes from the rock of Jesus Christ. Lies being spread about you? Yes it will happen, people working to tear you down, absolutely, do not let these things wear you out, don’t waste your precious time on them. We are each given 12 hours of daylight, that day is lit by the light of Christ. The relationship that counts, is the one you have with Christ. He is well aware of the trials you are going through, and He is looking to see how you will handle them. Will you get down with the pigs, wallow in the mud, and focus on your problems, or will you walk by these distractions, and focus on your God? Will you stoop to the level of the world, and spread lies in return about those who hurt you? Or will you rise to the challenge of the day, and realize that God works for the good in the lives of those who love Him, and trust that He is working in your life right now to bring you into a better season. Hardships will arise, it is your choice how you handle them, I for one will trust in my heavenly Father. I will rely on His Son, and my brother to guide me, sustain me, and protect me, come what may.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford

The New Covenant Church





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