Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday the 16th

Acts 8: 18-19


18When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles' hands, he offered them money.


Simon the sorcerer is not too different than many people. They see the amazing effect that the Lord has in peoples lives, they see the change in the people when the Holy Spirit fills their lives, and they want it. They will do anything to get it, and the first place many people reach is their pocketbook. They think, if I can give enough money, if I can but enough stuff and give it away, there has to be something, someway to get my hands on that peace, and happiness……..and there is, but it is not an external thing, there is no amount of money that can buy it, there is no deed that can be done that will secure this gift. It is free, just like anyone offering a gift, the Lord has that life you so badly desire, He is holding it out in the palm of his hand, He is full of the same excitement, hope, and love that we all feel when we offer a gift. All you have to do is accept it! Open your heart, and let the Lord into your life. It is the best gift, the most liberating, the most fulfilling, the most complete gift that you can be given, and it is yours for the taking. Once you do take it, once you let the Lord in, then just like what Simon wanted to do so badly, you cannot wait to do….you share it. I would say it is one of the first feelings a person has once they receive the Lord into their lives, they are filled with so much joy, they want everyone around them to have it. Where are you at today, have you received this gift that is freely given? Have you allowed Christ into your life? Have you flung the doors of your heart open, and proclaimed to the world that Jesus is your rock that you will stand on?  Have you seen the amazing transformation that the Lord has had on others, and you desire the same? Then call on the Lord, invite Him in and let Him go to work. If you desire to share in the kingdom building, if you want to see the spectacular life that God has planned for you, then open your heart, and fully receive the gift that is offered. There is no cover charge, all it takes to start is one word. YES.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford

The New Covenant Church






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