Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday the 8th

Hebrews 12: 17

17Afterward, as you know, when he wanted to inherit this blessing, he was rejected. He could bring about no change of mind, though he sought the blessing with tears.


Esau gave much in his young life up, and once it was given up, it could not be regained. We make choices everyday that are not so different from Esau’s. While we do serve a great and forgiving God, and there is nothing that can separate us from his love. We do make choices that once made, cannot be reversed. Oh we might later down the line realize our foolishness, or our transgression, we may repent, and seek forgiveness, and we will receive that forgiveness through God’s sweet grace, however the bell cannot be “unrung” the deed is done, the action was completed, and as my father was so fond of saying “all the crying in the world won’t fix it”. This is what we must be cautious about. Paul often reminds us that we live in evil times, and there is little doubt he is right. What we must do is shut out the bitter root, and turn our hearts outward, not inward. The choices we make, the deals that are struck, the broken promises, and the outright lies, these all have consequences. When we put our focus on making those choices for the benefit of others, when we start to live a life of love of brother, and less love of self, then we can start to see the life that God intends for us. Not one of remorse and constant repentance, but one of righteousness, a life built on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ, a life full of choices that amplify the love that is Christ. When we start to live that life, we will find that we will spend more time crying tears of joy, not tears of regret. We will find our life overflowing with blessing, not second guessing, and it will be a life worth of a child of God.




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