Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday the 18th

Hebrews 6:10


10God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.



It has been said that you can accomplish anything in life, as long as you do not care who gets the credit. This holds very true in history, and today’s world. People seldom remember the accomplishment, as much as they remember the name of the person tied to it. While Paul Revere did make a ride on horseback alerting the colonies to the incoming British invasion, it was Mr. Prescott who finished the ride, Mr. Revere was taken captive, a short while into the trip. Mr. Prescott did the work, but did not get the credit! History can be very unjust. God however is never unjust, he will never forget your works, and he will never forget the love that you show, to him, and his people. This reminds us that doing the right things has very little to do with how we are rewarded here, or who noticed, or if we will ever be known for what we have done. God knows. SO that leave us with a very introspective question, what work are we doing, and whom are we doing it for? Are we “out for ours”, or are we out for the good of others? Are we using our energy to spread love, or are we sowing the seeds of selfish ambition? We make choices everyday that reflect our “true colors”. May those colors be the bright, brilliant colors of the Lord, it is my prayer that when the Lord looks down on us he sees all of us, and those around us glowing with the colors of selflessness, love, and compassion. God, unlike history will not forget us, our work, or the love we have shown, when God recounts our day may he find them full of love.





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