Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wed the 9th

John 5: 6-8


6When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, "Do you want to get well?"  7"Sir," the invalid replied, "I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me."  8Then Jesus said to him, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk." 


This illustrates exactly how Christ works in our lives. Have you ever had a big problem? Something going on in your life that you just cannot seem to overcome? When we find ourselves in that situation we typically look directly at the problem…..I will never afford that, there is no way I have the strength to overcome…..the world has me down, and it keeps kicking me….I just can’t get back up……sound familiar? I am sure it does, because we have all been there. Well Christ is standing right next to you right now, saying “get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” That man would have sat by the pool for the rest of his life, sure that he could never make it to the water….all of these problems, all of these obstacles were in his way. He had no help, when he does try to get down there someone gets in front of him…..all of these reasons that just make it to hard. Guess what? The man needed no healing pool, he needed no help form those around him. What he needed was exactly the same thing that each of us need, and just as Christ was standing there next to that man at the pool all of those years ago; He is standing right next to you when you open you eyes in the morning, He is next to you in the interview, He is walking right next to you during your season of hell. Christ’s advice to you today, is the same as it was to the man by the pool. Pick up your mat and walk! We can let the troubles of the world press down on us, we can allow it to keep us sitting on our mat, complaining about our misfortune, or how life is just not fair….how everyone else gets in front of us, or we can choose to let Christ do what He does best….. Complete us, fill us, and restore us. Don’t let the world keep you on your mat, accept the Lords offer, pick up your mat and walk with him today. Trust in Him, praise Him, love Him, and walk with Him!







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