Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday the 18th

John 9: 1-3


1As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"

 3"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.


Bad things happen to good people……..but really are they bad, or just an opportunity to show the strength of God? Be it our current situation, or something we have been struggling with our whole lives, anytime we find ourselves in a time of hardship, we have two choices we can throw a pity party, and wallow in it, or we can recognize that this world, our bodies, our station in life, they are all temporary. We can say that we will never get through this, or we can say this is where I am at, and I will push ahead. Every hardship is a chance to shout the glory of God. A girl lost her arm while surfing. She did not let it stop her, she surfs to this day, and gives the glory to God. She has turned her hardship into her ministry. I have seen people down to their last dollar give the shirt off their back to someone in need. No matter rich or poor, healthy or sick, we all have trials, we all have seasons in hell. Take heart! God is at work in each of our lives right now. We can choose to acknowledge that or we can listen to the world, and believe that we are less than others, that we are broken, or that we will never recover. Think of Job, talk about a life used to glorify the Lord! God worked in his life after the devil had almost stomped the life out of him, and took all that the world said Job HAD to have. God is always present, He is always working, He is working to use your life as an example of His power right now. Without the bad we would have no idea what good was, without pain there would be no joy. Know this, the depths of any pain you go thorough will not compare to the heights of Joy you will receive if you will allow God to work in your life. Give thanks for your weakness it is a chance to show the world that with God you are strong. Be thankful for the seasons of trial, for it is the opportunity to shout to the world that God will provide. Let God work in your life, invite Him in, and you will see the power of God.


Glory be to the Father,



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