Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wed. the 10th

Deuteronomy 4: 6 Observe (the laws from God given to Moses) them carefully, for this will show your wisdom and understanding to the nations, who will hear about all these decrees and say, "Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people."


Christ reinforces this teaching when He tells us that He came to fulfill the laws, not abolish them. However today we really are not held up as wise or understanding for following these laws are we? The world tends to call us foolish, or misguided. I was reading an article yesterday where the belief of the author was that Christian teachings belong in the same section as mythology! How did we get to this point? It is my belief that we are our own worst enemies. We want Christianity to be seen as wise and understanding, yet are we following the laws that we have been given? How can people take Christianity seriously when many of us trample on the very fabric of the faith? How do we do this? We don’t follow the laws. We don’t love our God, or our neighbor, and all to often we don’t love ourselves. We lie to cover our tracks, we tear others down to build ourselves up…you get the idea. Yes we are imperfect, and we all fall short of the Glory of God, but how short are we falling, and how hard are we working to make that distance as short as possible? We have been given these laws by God, we have been given His Son, as a one time sacrifice to fulfill the laws and the prophets.  If we are to be wise and understanding we must learn to love unequivocally, we must take these laws and live  them as an example, we must encourage our brothers and sisters to do the same. We must strive to unite at the cross of Christ, and resolve to live a life of love, the same love that God shows to us daily. When we do this, when we unite instead of fight with each other, when we build each other up in the name of the Lord, instead of tearing each other down, when we accept each other as one true family instead of strangers in a pew on Sunday morning….once again we will be seen as wise and understanding, and the glory of God will radiate across this planet for all nations to see.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford


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