Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday the 29th

John 12: 7"Leave her alone," Jesus replied. " It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial.


As we get this week started, the final days before the death and resurrection of Christ, I want to bring up one of the things that always seems to hit me this time of year. Christ knew he was going to die, He knew and He never wavered. He understood that His life would offer freedom for the world. So He never wavered. I can’t help but think how we are in the same situation. We might not know when or how, but we all know that we will die. Yet how often do we waver? How amazing that Christ lived a sinless life, and we struggle to live a sinless day! Christ marched to his demise without dodging, or shying away (and we know from Gethsemane, that He was not Crazy about the idea!) Yet we tend to live each day, all too often, looking for how we can do less, not how much more we can do. As we go through this final week of Christ’s human life we see His strength, His humility, His honor, and His greatness. Christ did many amazing things during His time on earth, He taught great concepts, and preformed many miraculous healings. But it is during this week we see His true strength, a strength that can be found inside of each one of us….yes inside of you too. We have that strength specifically because of the sacrifice made by Christ. Just like Christ we know we too will meet our earthly demise. We have a choice to make…..we can choose death, or we can choose life. We can look to the last week of Christ’s life, and draw on the strength He showed. We can choose to allow ourselves to be tossed around with the current direction of the wind, or we can decide to chart our course, and walk with Christ daily. As we go through this week resolve to draw on the strength of Christ, allow His love, and direction to fill your heart. Resolve to live your life knowing that while death might await many, it does not wait for you! The power of Christ is alive in you today, tomorrow, and forever, Let us each live our lives accordingly.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford





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