Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday the 23rd

1Peter 4: 4-5


4They think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse on you. 5But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.


I was reading an article about some new signs up in New York that can be seen throughout the subway system now. They read something to the effect of you can have a good day without God. From what I understand there are several signs that have different verbiage but the same message, you don’t need God to have a good day…the idea is that you can live everyday without God, and it will still be a good day… know what? They are right! You can have a good day, maybe a good week without God….but you will not have a good life….and when you go down into the dirt you will suffer the pain of death not just once, but twice. The world wants you to believe that you don’t need God, they cannot understand why so many of us will not conform to the ways of the world. They hold us up as outdated, superstitious, or delusional. The next verse tells the tell, we will all have to give account, we all will stand before the Lord, and answer for our lives. Not just a day or two…… but for our whole life. So yes, I am sure that you can have some good days without God, I have seen many people do it. I just don’t really have any plans to have to explain and give account of why I tried to do it without Him. Why settle for a good day, when you can have a good life, why look only to the day that you are living now, when it is everyday in your life, and everyday in the next life that counts. Christ did not suffer, die, and then defeat death so we could have a good day. That was done with the long term plan in mind, it is a gift for those who will accept it, for those who will stand proudly on the day of judgment, and say yes, I followed you Lord, and while everyday has been a blessing, the eternal life spent at your side has always been the goal. I have no need for one day without God, even if it was to be a fantastic one in the worldly view. One day without my Savior cannot even be marginally good, it is a lost day, a day that I can never get back, a day squandered on the devil, and an embarrassment to myself, and my God. Don’t live for a good day, live as the offspring of royalty that you are, live a child of God, and a sibling to Christ, that is the key to not just to one single good day, but to an unbelievably, unimaginably, spectacular eternal life.







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