Monday, February 16, 2009

Family First

Ephesians 6:4

4Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

The base of all our labors here on this planet start at home. If we go out into the world and profess the word of the Lord, yet neglect our family, we are failures. The person who spends all of their time at the Church, and leaves no time for their family is just as much a failure as the person who never turns to God. Our families are the Lord’s future, and that future depends on us loving, and teaching our families first. We cannot extend the kingdom of the Lord if our children are lost.

How are you spending your time, how are you raising your family? Take time for your children, take time for your spouse. Pray as a family, read the bible as a family. Give up 15min of your evening to talk about God, and instruct your children in the good news that is Jesus Christ. Love your spouse, let your children see the love that comes from both of you as an overflow of the Love the God has put into your hearts. Be gentle with each other, love one another, and most importantly, do not take each other for granted. There will always be time for that church group, or the ministry that you want to be involved in, and I promise you the television is not going anywhere…what is on tonight will be reran after sweeps week. When you see a family move through this world as a unit, as one group joined in Christ, joined in love…..that family shines with the light of the Lord, and will touch every person that sees it.


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