Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Colossians 3: 15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving! Family, friends, my job, my house, my health….there are a ton of things that I could list here, and it would fill the page. However the one thing I am most thankful for is my salvation. Thanksgiving is not celebrated in Ireland, or in Britain. Head over to the USSR and you will miss out on Turkey today. Today is America's holiday. It was started because a group of people set out to worship God, and build a country on their terms. After hardship, and struggle…... Through hunger, sickness, and even death, this group of people finding themselves victorious and alive, gathered a feast to give thanks to God for their good fortune. It was a celebration to say thank you God for seeing us through. Let us not lose that very important point today. God has blessed this country; He has blessed each one of us. His hand of protection, and love hold us, and keep us. So today as we are hugging family and friends, as we gather to eat too much,
watch some football, and gear up for a shopping spree tomorrow, let us remember that small group of Americans the ones who never quit, the ones who never gave up, the ones who knew that God is a loving God, and in an outpouring of joy, and a show of gratitude they gathered to be thankful, thankful for their lives, thankful for their family, and thankful for the fact that God will always provide the way.

So Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you God for your faithfulness, your love, and the gift of your Son. Many of us have been going through our own tough times, let us give thanks to God for pulling us through!

God Bless,
Brian Thetford

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