Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday the 28th

Luke 6: 45The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.


I have heard you can tell a lot about a person by the way he treats books, or the way they treat their spouse. Here we see Christ telling the world that if you want to know about a person, listen to what comes out of their mouth. I have heard men that I thought were great, speak some of the most vile garbage I have ever heard, and I have heard people I thought to be weak speak of strength, honor, and love to the point that all around them wanted to be a better person. Your stature will only take you so far in life, but your words carry miles beyond your reach. You can do good works, you can go to church every Sunday, but your words can erase all confidence in the matter of one sentence. Our words are a reflection of not just what we think, but who we really are. They can cut like a knife, or repair the deepest, most painful injuries. In our ongoing effort to live a Christ like life, we should all take heed to this. When we look to Christ, we see He had no malice in His words. He did not walk this earth to destroy those around Him. He came to repair, and rebuild hearts and souls. We are commissioned to carry out that work, and the place that it will start will be our mouths. Christ is the champion of the scorned, the mender of the broken, and the caretaker of us all. Many bibles make it a point to print His words in red because they are so important, that we do not want to miss one. What are our words like? Are they worth printing in red? When we speak, do we honor Christ, or do we tear down His work? We know that the Lord is always working in our lives and the lives of those around us. Are we helping Him in His task, or are we the wreaking ball of life that destroys what He has built? It comes down to your heart. What you fill it with, will be what overflows out of it. We choose what goes in, and what is thrown out. I know, because I can speak from personal experience, that it is easy to fill your heart with evil. Harsh words, envy, malice, retribution, the heart can hold a lot of this, and when it overflows it is almost uncontrollable. You are in a hurry to lash out, and in a hurry to hurt others, before they can hurt you……but there stands Christ, the one who took the worlds hate, yet still returned love. The One who stood through the harsh words, the beatings, the mocking, and instead of returning malice, returned love. There is our model, and there is the way to peace. Choose to fill your heart with the love of the Lord. Cast aside the insults, and the hatred, and fill your heart with love. When you do, you will find that the feeling that comes form the overflow is one of peace, one of joy, and of the Lord. We are earthen vessels, we choose what we a filled with. Will it be the sludge of evil, or the light golden honey that is the Word of God? Will we be known as the dark horse, that carries pain and unhappiness, or will we be know as a builder of people and a winner of souls? Whom will you serve with your words?  To quote Dylan, it might be the devil, or it might be the Lord, but you are gonna’ have to serve somebody.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford

The New Covenant Church





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