Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wed the 3rd

Acts 3:6


 6Then Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk."


Here we find Peter coming upon a cripple man, a man that has physical limitations, and is looking for the world to help him out. Instead of looking for a way to better this his life, this man is content to sit and let others come to him. When he sees Peter, he is expecting money….a quick fix, something that might make him feel better for a short time, but will not serve him well in the long run. What does Peter tell the man? I don’t have any money, but you can have what I do have to give! See God is not a banker, the Lord is not into giving quick fixes, or band-aid solutions. The Lord is into transformations. The Lord focuses on the eternal, not the temporal. How many of us approach our lives like the beggar? How many of us treat our spiritual life like some type of barter town? Just like the beggar we too are crippled, we too are faced with a choice. We can sit on the ground, and hope that someone comes by and fixes us for a short while, or we can search out the eternal fix, we can find the compass that will take us home, the light that will cast away the shadows of this dark world. No, Jesus will not finance your love of this world, but he will freely give you the keys to the kingdom! If you want to start fixing your life, then start with fixing your heart. Quit begging from crumbs, and start feasting on the promises of the Lord. It’s a funny thing I have noticed, people that are happy, people that have their life together, they don’t spend their day looking for a way to fix their life. They spend their day looking for where the Lord is leading them……and it is no surprise that path they follow is smoother (not perfect), and straighter (though not always easier). God uses each one of us as a testament to His Love, and His grace. Which are you looking for today? The quick fix, or the eternal gift? Shut out the world, and listen to your heart, don’t search for silver or gold. Take firm hold of the truth found in Jesus Christ. Place that in your heart first, search out His will. You might be surprised to find that all you have been worried about, all that you have been searching for, the Lord is more than happy to handle. Leave the begging lifestyle of this world behind you, resolve to let the Lord work for you, allow yourself to receive what is freely given. The Lord will take care of the rest.



God Bless,

Brian Thetford

The New Covenant Church





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